
By David Marks
There seem to be few subjects which cause amateur gardeners as many problems as pruning tomato plants. In reality though it’s not that complicated if you are armed with two key pieces of information:

  1. Is the variety you are pruning a cordon or bush type? Our list of variety names below will sort that out for you.
  2. When tomato plants have developed fruits about the size of a small marble they can grow to maturity with very few leaves – far fewer than you might believe. This snippet of information will give you confidence when thinning out foliage.


Below we list the most common tomato varieties and classify them as cordon or bush types. Note that bush types are sometimes also called determinate; cordon types are sometimes also called indeterminate or vine. Bush tomato types are pre-programmed in their genes to produce a plant of a certain shape, size and with a pre-determined number of stems and side-shoots. In general, “nature knows best” so these tomato types can largely (but not completely) be left to their devices. The will need help in removing some lower down foliage and thinning out of their leaves, the reason being that tomato plants are sub-tropical in nature and you, in all probability, are trying to grow them in the temperate UK!

Cordon tomato types are not genetically pre-programmed as far as size is concerned and therefore need to be pruned to a specific shape when grown in the UK.

For other tomato varieties which we have fully reviewed, click the drop down box below, select a variety and then click the More Information Button.


Abraham Lincoln, Ailsa Craig,Alicante, Amish Paste, Amy’s Sugar Gem, Berry, Black Cherry, Black Krim,Black Russian, Blizzard, Brandywine, Brutus, Cherrola, Chocolate Cherry, Cossack, Country Taste, Craigella, Cristal, Crimson Crush, Cuore di Bue, Ferline, Fireworks, Flamingo, Gardeners Delight, Ghost Cherry, Golden Cherry, Golden Sunrise, Herald, Katiebell, Lizziebell, Lldi, Lucciola, Luciebell, Mexico Midget, Moneymaker, Orange Paruche, Orkado, Outdoor Girl, Pintyno, Rosada, Sakura, San Marzano, Santonio, Satyna, Shirley, Stupice, Sun Baby, Suncherry Premium, Sungold, Sungrape, Sweet Aperitif, Sweet Baby, Sweet Million, Tamina, Tigerella, Yellow Perfection, Yellow Stuffer, Zlatava


Bajaja, Balconi Red, Cherry Cascade, Falcorosso, Gartenperle, Gold Rush Currant,Losetto, Red Alert, Rio Grande, Shirleys Pixie, Terenzo, The Amateur, Tiny Tim, Tropical Ruby, Tumbling Tom, Vilma


Glacier, Losetto, Roma VF, Super Marmande


Some time around the end of June / early July you will have a strong growing tomato plant and in all likelihood you will be able to see small tomato fruits which have formed. For both cordon and bush types, remove any foliage lower down the plant which is touching the ground or nearly touching it. This will hep prevent diseases which can be splashed onto the plant by raindrops hitting the ground. In most cases young stems and leaves can be removed by bending them back until they snap off the main stem – this is the best way. Larger stems may need to be pruned away with a sharp pair of secateurs. Remove any yellowing or diseased looking leaves which will generally be on the lower half of the plant. Now take a look at the places on the plant where fruits are forming – remove any leaves which are covering the fruit. Tomatoes ripen quicker and benefit from exposure to the sun – too many leaves over the fruit can prevent this happening.

For the rest of the growing year perform the above two pruning / thinning exercises every week or two.
Cleanliness is key to preventing diseases on tomato plants, so as you prune stems and remove leaves be sure to pick up all leaves in the surrounding area and burn them.


Bush type tomato plants need minimal pruning because genetically they produce stems only where required. The pruning mentioned in the section above should be sufficient.


Cordon type tomato plants do require pruning in order to maximise the production of fruit and reduce the risks of moulds and other diseases.The picture below shows two key pruning points for a cordon tomato, click the picture if you want to enlarge it.

Side shoots on cordon tomato plant

The basic principle behind pruning cordon type tomato plants is that you want the main stem (the one that emerges from the soil / compost) to be the one from which all the leaf stems emerge from. Take a close look at the picture above and see what’s in the upper blue circle. The main stem is the largest one growing upwards, there is also a leaf stem which is growing at right angles to the main stem. In between them, in the picture it’s referred to as “older growth remove”, there is a new main stem forming and that should be pruned away. When you do this don’t remove the nearby leaf stem and do not damage it.

Below in the picture there is another blue circle which shows a similar situation but the growth to prune away is at a much younger stage.

Both of the shoots in the picture above can be removed by bending them over with your fingers until they snap off. This is probably the easiest way to remove them and it also results in the least damage to the tomato plant. Examine the plant every week or two from top to bottom and remove all the new main steps as described above.

If you are growing cordon tomatoes for the first time we recommend pruning exactly as described above. If you are a little more adventurous you may want to try a variation on the above method which may, in some circumstances, results in a larger crop over a slightly longer period. The principle is to allow more than one main stem to grow, a good number would be three but definitely no more than four. Clearly, main stem 1 would be the one appearing from the soil, stem 2 would be from one of the lower shoots and stem 3 would be another shoot about 15cm / 6in above. Treat all three main stems as if they were the main stem as described above.

Having explained all the complexity of pruning cordon tomato plants correctly, every year my partner annoys me by doing absolutely no pruning to her Alicante tomato plants but producing masses of healthy tomatoes every time! Truly annoying!


By David Marks
Pruning pear and apple trees is a task which is often grouped together and while there are many similarities there are also a few key differences between these two types of fruit trees. This article is devoted exclusively to pear trees and how best to prune them.

We describe how to prune for the most common bush tree shape and explain briefly how to prune a pear tree with a central leader.


There are two key differences between apple and pear trees which need to be taken into account when pruning a pear tree. The primary difference is that pear trees will grow far more upright compared to an apple tree. The branches want to reach for the sky in their search for light. In order to encourage early and large amounts of fruit this tendency to grow upright needs to be managed.

The second difference is that pear tree wood is relatively soft compared to apple wood and it is more likely to break under the weight of a full crop of fruit. This weakness needs to be considered when pruning.


The equipment needed to prune a pear tree depends on how thick the branches are and how high the tree is. Three pieces of basic ‘equipment’ though are always needed and these are:

  • Secateurs – these must be sharp to avoid crushing rather than cutting cleanly any  stems and small branches. Before cutting in earnest, try out your secateurs on a redundant piece of wood to make sure they cut cleanly. If they don’t then buy a new pair or get the old ones sharpened (difficult nowadays). Clean your secateurs thoroughly to ensure they don’t transfer any disease, pest or spores. Boring but very important especially when working on more than one tree – clean between pruning different trees. To clean, wash them thoroughly in soapy water, clean them again with bleach, rinse thoroughly under running water and then dry off with a cloth.
  • Knowledge and time – knowledge can be gained by reading this article thoroughly before you start. As far as time goes, a new one year old tree can be pruned in five minutes, but an old overgrown tree may take several hours and this may well need to be spread over three or four years.
  • A dry day – not really equipment but pruning should always be done on a dry day. If you cut stems and branches on a wet day the risk of infection entering the cuts is much increased. The British weather is not always the best for pruning in winter but there will be dry days and it’s best to wait for one of them.

The above equipment will be sufficient to prune most pear trees up to three or four years old but when the branches begin to thicken and the height of the tree increases the following additional equipment will also be needed:

  • Pruning saw or carpenter’s saw. Either will do the job, the choice is up to you. We would go for a pruning saw because they are specifically designed for the purpose but they are more expensive.
  • A ladder – if the tree is tall then a ladder is essential. It’s always safest to cut a branch when you are at the correct height and it’s also likely to produce the cleanest cut. Without going into all the safety aspects of using ladders, at least make sure it is on flat, even ground and is securely tied to a strong branch on the tree.
  • Chalk (optional) – if a tree is particularly overgrown and out of control it’s often best to mark the main branches to be cut with a piece of chalk at the point of the proposed cut. Then stand back( after getting off the ladder of course!) and consider if the proposed cuts are really as you want.


For most pear trees the best time to prune is in mid winter to very early spring. If you prune too early the tree may respond by sending out lots of tender shoots which will be severely damaged by frosts. These will then provide an ideal entry site for a variety of bacteria, fungi and pests.

New bare-rooted trees will be supplied from November to March and these should be pruned immediately after they are planted – see the section Pruning Newly Planted Pear Trees below.


When a pear tree goes dormant in the winter, nutrients and energy is stored primarily in the roots, main trunk and to a lesser degree the main large branches. Almost no energy is stored in the smaller branches. The diagram below, before pruning occurs in January, shows this more clearly. The dark pink area shows the major energy reserves and the lighter pink areas show less concentrated reserves.

Energy resources in a dormant pear tree

In spring when the tree comes out of dormancy the natural response is to produce new growth in areas where pruning has occurred during the winter. This growth response is concentrated in areas where the tree has been pruned. The diagram below showing the energy reserves in mid April time illustrates the effect on a tree which has been severely pruned in one area only.

Energy reserves in a winter pruned pear tree

The heavily pruned area receives a higher than normal amount of the energy reserves which causes the tree to produce lots of new green growth in that area. This also has the effect of delaying the production of fruit. Note that this effect is localised and generally does not affect parts of the tree which have not been heavily pruned.

To summarise the effect of winter pruning, it increases the growth of branches and foliage  in the next two years and at the same time delays the production of fruit. If done carefully however it can improve the shape and structure of the tree allowing heavier crops in later years.


The most common shape of a pear tree (for the amateur gardener) is an open-centred one where the main leader has been pruned out and four or so main branches grow evenly spaced from the centre. See the picture below of a young tree with four side branches but the main stem (the leader) has been pruned away. Click the picture to enlarge it.

Pear tree with the central stem pruned out

Another shape, more commonly found in some orchards is the central leader tree shape. With this shape the central leader is allowed to grow and three branches are allowed to form at at about 75cm / 30ins above grown level followed by another layer 50cm / 20ins higher and then another layer 50cm / 20ins above that. We suggest that the previous method is probably the best for the amateur gardener.


When pruning a pear tree it’s important to be able to identify what are called “fruiting spurs” because this is where the fruit will form. If you prune off fruiting spurs you are effectively reducing the capability of the tree to produce fruit for a year or two. See the picture below (click to enlarge it) for an example of a fruiting spur. Do not prune off fruiting spurs unless they are on a branch you want to get rid of or the area is becoming congested with older fruiting spurs.

Fruiting spurs will normally appear on stems which were originally grown two years previously. They can appear anywhere on the branches. They will take a year, occasionally two, before they begin to bear fruit. The year after fruiting another one or two fruit buds will begin to appear. The picture above shows a fruiting spur with two fruit buds on it but they can grow and form many fruit buds.

After six or seven years a fruiting spur will begin to become congested with fruit buds and also the cropping capability will decline. At this stage it’s best to gradually start pruning off older fruiting spurs which will encourage new, healthy ones to appear elsewhere.


Summer pruning of pear trees is normally reserved for espaliers and cordon shaped trees but it can  also be used to force a pear tree into bearing fruit if it is reluctant to do so. The normal reason for a pear tree not flowering and bearing fruit is that it is growing in perfect conditions! If you get the soil nutrients on the high side side, correct moisture levels, a good loam type soil and the tree is growing in full sun all day it will in all probability take a year or two longer to bear fruit compared to a tree which is in less ideal conditions.

To encourage a pear tree to bear fruit you need to encourage it to produce fruiting spurs. To do this lightly prune the current year’s growth by a quarter to a third, do not prune older wood at all in summer. The best time to summer prune a pear tree is in early to mid June time, never prune between mid July to late November.

What you are doing by summer-pruning is reducing the tree’s ability to store energy because it has fewer vigorous branches with lots of leaves on them to absorb the energy of the sun. If summer pruning is done around June time the tree will not produce new vegetative growth because it can detect that daylight hours will soon be reducing and autumn is only a few months ahead. Instead it will put much more of its energy into producing fruiting spurs which will bear fruit the next year.


This section describes how to prune pear trees in the first two years. If your pear tree is older than this click here for details on pruning older pear trees.


This section deals with pruning a pear tree which you have recently bought and planted. First decide if the tree is a one year old or a two year old. This should be made clear to you when you bought the tree or on the labels that come with it. If you don’t know, then as a rule of thumb a one year old tree will have less than six side branches, normally two or three. A two year old tree will have five or more side branches. Read the instructions which came with the tree and follow their guidelines.

Prune a new one year old pear tree in winter after it has been planted. Normally the tree will be about 150cm / 5ft tall but this varies. With the tree planted you should cut it to a height of 90cm / 3ft above ground. This may sound harsh but this then allows the tree to put all its energy into producing branches at the correct height. Make the cut just above a bud and slant the cut so that any water settling on the top will run away from the bud.

Tidy up the tree by cutting back any branches to about 5cm / 2in. That’s it for a one year old tree.


A two year old pear tree should have previously been pruned as detailed above when it was a one year old. This applies to two year old new bare-rooted or container grown trees as well as those already growing in your own garden.

The pruning used for a two year old tree is important because it will define the base structure of the tree for the rest of its life. Although we show you a real life tree in this section every one will be different. Understand the overall objective behind this stage of pruning and you can apply it to almost any pear tree which has been correctly pruned at year one.

  • Four main branches – prune so that you have three to five main branches coming off the central trunk. If you have more than this the tree structure will become crowded. If you have less the tree will find it difficult grow in a balanced fashion.
  • Even spacing around the main trunk – aim to have the main branches evenly spaced around the tree. If for instance you have four main branches they should be pointing left, right, forwards and backwards. It will be unlikely that this can be done exactly but try to select main branches which fit this criteria best. It’s at this stage that you may decide three main branches is best to achieve a balance around the tree.
  • Correct spacing up the main trunk – ideally you want to aim for branches which are spaced about 10cm / 4 in apart up the trunk. Keep the lowest branch at least 75cm / 2ft 6in above ground level, slightly higher is best. Again, this is the ideal but with most trees a compromise will be required.
  • Main branches should be pointing outwards not upwards – pear trees are renowned for having branches which want to grow vertically. If any of the main branches grows almost vertically it will cause crowding of the centre of the tree, something definitely to be avoided. Pear tree wood is relatively soft and easily broken by heavy crops. Branches which are at an angle of about 60° to the main  stem (see pictures below) are far stronger than branches which grow almost vertically.

    Best angle of pear tree branch to main trunk
    The angle between the main trunk and the branch is ideal in the picture above.

    Narrow angle of branch to main stem
    The angle of branch 1 in the picture above is too narrow and vertical. If a main branch is growing nearly vertically it needs to be pruned to an outward facing bud – the cut needs to be made fairly near the main trunk to force the branch to grow outwards and not upwards

Remember, the description above is the ideal and almost all pear trees will need some compromise.


When pear trees get beyond three years old each tree is sufficiently unique in its own right to make specific advice about pruning very difficult. Differences in the variety, previous pruning history and environmental conditions all give rise to different tree shapes. However, the same general principles apply to pruning all established pear trees. Those principles are:

  • Avoid pruning out fruiting spurs – if you examine a pear tree structure in winter, when there is no foliage, you will be able to see the difference between the current year’s stem growth and older growth. You will also be able to identify fruiting spurs (stems from which fruit will be produced in the summer). To maximise fruit production do not prune the fruiting spurs unless they become congested or diseased. See the section above on fruiting spurs for an explanation and clear picture.
  • Aim for a wine glass shape – the basic idea is to encourage branches to point outwards from the main trunk. The reason for this is to keep the central part of the tree relatively free from growth allowing good air circulation and reducing the risk of fungal infections.
  • Prune in gentle stages – if you hard prune a pear tree it will fight back the next spring with a vengeance, especially well established trees! Their reaction will be to sprout small stems especially from areas which have been cut back hard. These groups of small stems are almost certainly unproductive as far as as fruit is concerned and the area will become congested. If you are faced with an overgrown tree then spread cutting it back over at least two years, preferably three or four years
  • Remove crossing and touching branches – where two branches cross each other, natural movement from wind will cause the branches to rub together and open up the bark to infections. Remove one of the crossing branches to prevent this.
  • Remove diseased wood – whilst pruning a pear tree keep a look out for diseased wood. This should always be removed and cut back into healthy wood. Burn the diseased wood.
  • Clean up afterwards – fallen branches and fruit, leaves and any other debris should be cleared away from the base of the tree. If left they provide a breeding found for fungal diseases and a variety of pests.
  • Enjoy and learn from the experience – many books and web articles on this subject profess to offer perfect solutions to keeping your pear tree in check. In reality every pear tree is different from every other one and your experience from past years should be your guide.


Date: 27 February 2021 From: Cath D
QUESTION: : I have a 14 year old pear tree which has been neglected and has grown a strong competing leader from the base of the main trunk. This leader is taller (about 12 ft) and thicker than the main trunk. All parts of the tree bore fruit last year I think but I didn’t compare the quality. The main original trunk has a healed, but deep, wound on its trunk too. What should I do?

ANSWER: As far as the competing leader is concerned it sounds as though it has grown from the rootstock. See the picture below:

You will see the base of the tree is made up of three sections, the lowest is the rootstock, the middle bit is the join and the top bit is the scion.

If the rootstock sprouts, the resulting growth will tend to be very strong and dominant. It will produce pears but they will not be the variety that you want. As soon as you see a shoot emerging from the rootstock, cut it off as close to the main stem as possible.

If the wound on the original trunk has healed, leave it alone.

Date: 06 August 2019 From: Fred L
QUESTION: : I have a large pear tree that’s been neglected for many years and produces little fruit but even that is poor shape and quality. What options are there to remedy or is it likely to be too late and I should put it out of its misery?

ANSWER: The answer depends on many factors. First, a well pruned pear tree can be expected to be productive for 20 to 25 years, it will live longer but fruit production will tail off significantly.

A neglected pear tree will have a shorter productive life. That may answer your question if you have a rough idea of the age of the tree.

Neglected pear trees can be hard pruned (in stages over a three year time span). This may well rejuvenate it although it’s by no means guaranteed. It will take a total of 4 to 5 years after the first year’s prune before it recovers.

A newly bought one or two year old pear tree will take about 3 years to begin producing fruit. In 5 years from purchasing it, it will be producing fruit to its full ability.

Everyone has their own view on this type of question, my personal view is that the effort expended in (hopefully) rejuvenating a neglected fruit tree is rarely worth the effort. Buy a new one is my advice, others may advise differently.

Date: 08 February 2015 From: John
QUESTION: I planted myself an orchard last winter including 2 conference pears and this is the first time they will have been pruned, they were 2 Y Olds when bought, so more like 3 YO now. I bought the biggest healthiest ones I could find and so have 5 good thick branches on them but are almost vertical in a champagne glass shape rather than a wine glass and were all lobbed off level at about 7 feet high. Do I have to prune the branches close to the trunk or could I put some “stretchers” in to train them to grow outwards more horizontally.

ANSWER: Yes you can, the idea works very well with pear trees. In fact one of my trees is being persuaded to grow more horizontal branches just like that for the last couple of months. It does seem to take about six months to have a lasting effect but it works well. I use nothing more complicated than string looped around the branches weighted down with stones. Be careful though that the bark of the stems is not damaged by the string – padding at the point of contact will help to avoid that.


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    This page gives you expert advice on how to prune an apple tree. We stick to the common basic bush shape because that’s what is grown in 95% of gardens, allotments and parks. We don’t make it complicated, we keep it simple with a few basic and essential principles. Pruning an apple tree is only complicated if you make it so.

    Our only distinction is between newly planted trees, second year trees and older trees.  Follow our basic rules below and you will have a healthy,  well shaped tree capable of producing a good crop of apples.



    The equipment needed to prune an apple tree depends on how thick the branches are and how high the tree is. Three pieces of ‘equipment ‘though are always needed and these are:

    • Secateurs – these must be sharp to avoid crushing rather than cutting cleanly any stems and small branches. Before cutting in earnest, try out your secateurs on a redundant piece of wood to make sure they cut cleanly. If they don’t then buy a new pair or get the old ones sharpened (difficult nowadays). Clean your secateurs thoroughly to ensure they don’t transfer any disease, pest or spores. Boring but very important especially when working on more than one tree – clean between pruning different trees. To clean, wash them thoroughly in soapy water, clean them again with bleach, rinse thoroughly under running water and then dry off with a cloth.
    • Knowledge and time – knowledge can be gained by reading this article thoroughly before you start. As far as time goes, a new one year old tree can be pruned in five minutes, but an old overgrown tree may take several hours and this may well need to be spread over three or four years.
    • A dry day – not really equipment but pruning should always be done on a dry day. If you cut stems and branches on a wet day the risk of infection entering the cuts is much increased. The English weather is not always the best for pruning in winter but there will be dry days and it’s best to wait for one of them.

    The above is all you will need for new and small apple trees but for older trees you may well need more sturdy cutting equipment and the means to reach higher branches. If this is the case you need to consider how agile you are and how well you cope with heights. For the reasonably agile, capable of climbing a ladder, then the equipment you will need for pruning larger apple trees (in addition to those listed above) is as follows:

    • Pruning saw or carpenter’s saw – see secateurs above for the cleanliness rules. Either will do the job, the choice is up to you. We would go for a pruning saw but they are more expensive.
    • A ladder – if the tree is tall then a ladder is essential. It’s always safest to cut a branch when you are at the correct height and it’s also likely to produce the cleanest cut. Without going into all the safety aspects of using ladders, at least make sure it is on flat, even ground and is securely tied to a strong branch on the tree.
    • Chalk (optional) – if a tree is particularly overgrown and out of control it’s often best to mark the main branches to be cut with a piece of chalk at the point of the proposed cut. Then stand back (after getting off the ladder of course!) and consider if the proposed cuts are really as you want.


    This section deals with pruning an apple tree which you have recently bought and planted. First decide if the tree is a one year old or a two year old. This should be made clear to you when you bought the tree or on the labels that come with it. If you don’t know, then as a rule of thumb a one year old tree will have less than six side branches, normally two or three. A two year old tree will have five or more side branches.

    Pruning a one year old tree


    Prune a new one year old apple tree in winter after it has been planted. Normally the tree will be about 150cm / 5ft tall but this varies. With the tree planted you should cut it to a height of 90cm / 3ft above ground. This may sound harsh but this then allows the tree to put all its energy into producing branches at the correct height. Make the cut just above a bud and slant the cut so that any water settling on the top will run away from the bud.

    Tidy up the tree by cutting back any branches to about 5cm / 2in. That’s it for a one year old tree.


    A two year old apple tree should have previously been pruned as detailed above when it was a one year old. This applies to two year old new bare-rooted or container grown trees as well as those already growing in your own garden.

    The pruning used for a two year old tree is important because it will define the base structure of the tree for the rest of its life. Although we show you a real life tree in this section every one will be different. Understand the overall objective behind this stage of pruning and you can apply it to almost any apple tree which has been correctly pruned at year one.

    • Four main branches – prune so that you have three to five main branches coming off the central trunk. If you have more than this the tree structure will become crowded. If you have less the tree will find it difficult grow in a balanced fashion.
    • Even spacing around the main trunk – aim to have the main branches evenly spaced around the tree. If for instance you have four main branches they should be pointing left, right, forwards and backwards. It will be unlikely that this can be done exactly but try to select main branches which fit this criteria best. It’s at this stage that you may decide three main branches is best to achieve a balance around the tree.
    • Correct spacing up the main trunk – ideally you want to aim for branches which are spaced about 10cm / 4 in apart up the trunk. Keep the lowest branch at least 75cm / 2ft 6in above ground level, slightly higher is best. Again, this is the ideal but with most trees a compromise will be required.
    • Main branches should be pointing outwards not upwards – if any of the main branches grows almost vertically it will cause crowding of the centre of the tree, something definitely to be avoided. If a main branch is doing this it needs to be pruned to an outward facing bud – the cut needs to be made fairly near the main trunk to force the branch to grow outwards and not upwards.

    Remember, the description above is the ideal and almost all trees will need some compromise. Of all the four points above the last one (branches pointing outwards) is probably the most important.

    Having stated the ideal methods above, click here for our real life examples (three different two year old apple trees) of two year pruning which just goes to prove how much compromise may well be needed in real life!


    Once an apple tree has reached three years or older it’s only really sensible to define the principles behind pruning them because there will be so many variations in different apple trees. The age, previous pruning history and size are just a few of the factors involved. But with the basic principles firmly in mind even the amateur can make a good job of pruning an apple tree. Those principles are:

    • Avoid pruning out fruiting spurs – if you examine an apple tree structure in winter, when there is no foliage, you will be able to see the difference between the current year’s stem growth and older growth. You will also be able to identify fruiting spurs (stems from which fruit will be produced in the summer). To maximise fruit production do not prune the fruiting spurs. We have a page with clear, close-up photos of a three year old tree which shows you exactly how to identify fruiting spurs, current year’s stem growth and older growth. Click here to see the pictures and explanations.
    • Aim for a wine glass shape – the basic idea is to encourage branches to point outwards from the main trunk. The reason for this is to keep the central part of the tree relatively free from growth allowing good air circulation and reducing the risk of fungal infections.
    • Prune in gentle stages – if you hard prune an apple tree it will fight back the next spring with a vengeance, especially well established trees! Their reaction will be to sprout small stems especially from areas which have been cut back hard. These groups of small stems are almost certainly unproductive as far as as fruit is  concerned and the area will become congested. If you are faced with an overgrown tree then spread cutting it back over at least two years, preferably three or four years
    • Remove crossing and touching branches – where two branches cross each other, natural movement from wind will cause the branches to rub together and open up the bark to infections. Remove one of the crossing branches to prevent this.
    • Remove diseased wood – whilst pruning an apple tree keep a look out for diseased wood. This should always be removed and cut back into healthy wood. Burn the diseased wood.
    • Clean up afterwards – fallen branches and fruit, leaves and any other debris should be cleared away from the base of the tree. If left they provide a breeding found for fungal diseases and a variety of pests.
    • Enjoy and learn from the experience – many books and web articles on this subject profess to offer perfect solutions to keeping your apple tree in check. In reality every apple tree is different from every other apple tree and your experience from past years should be your guide.


    Tip (and partial tip) bearing apple trees produce fruit buds on the the tips of branches (tip bearing) or on the tips and also further down the branches (partial tip bearing). True tip bearing apple trees must be pruned differently from other types of apple trees if they are to produce a reasonable crop. Partial tip bearing apple trees are best pruned slightly differently but will still produce a crop if pruned in the normal manner.

    There are very, very few true tip bearing apple trees sold in the UK as our list below shows:

    • Barnack Beauty
    • Golden Russet
    • Irish Peach

    Our list of partial tip bearing apple trees below contains quite a few more varieties:

    The basic rule is not to prune these apple these unless they become very congested or large. Any pruning will remove the ends of stems and potentially reduce the apple crop next year. If these tree do need pruning then spread the task out over three years so that not all the tips of the branches are removed at any one time. When selecting branches to prune, try and choose older branches (four years or older) in preference to younger branches which are still capable of bearing fruit.

    In the first five years of their life this type of apple tree is best left unpruned. By all means prune out crossing, diseased or damaged branches but that’s about it. In subsequent years prune as for normal apples trees but less often and always leave a good proportion of the branches unpruned. When selecting branches to prune, try and choose older branches (four years or older) in preference to younger branches which are still capable of bearing fruit.


    Date: 11 January 2020 From: DC
    QUESTION: I bought a pot-grown Charles Ross which I intended to plant this winter but now realise needs corrective pruning. It is about 5 feet tall. The central leader has been removed as in your article but leaving only two main branches which themselves have four young branches radiating from them. There are some whippy branches lower down which I planned to remove. It looks like it may have initally been intended as a fan and not trained further. Can I rescue this? If so would it make sense to make a new cut below the two branches and remove them completely with the aim of generating new growth to select from? Or should I leave the two main branches and prune the branches that come from them?

    ANSWER: Difficult question without seeing the tree. However, my advice would be to remove the whippy branches lower down first.

    That will leave you with two main branches. Ideally you want three or four main branches from the main trunk to create a balanced tree but it does sound like those two remaining branches have young brances already growing from them. If you prune two or three of those branches back to an outward facing bud, ideally pointing sideways from the main branch, you should eventually end up with a tree which relatively balanced.


    Date: 22 July 2019 From: Bernadette
    QUESTION: My 2year old Ellisons Orange apple tree, it has several apples this year which I thinned in June. The tree has a lot of spindley branches which have grown this year some touching the ground. Should I reduce these before the Winter?

    ANSWER: Absolutely yes. Branches, even spindly ones, near the surface of the ground are very open to pests and disease. I would try and keep all the branches at least 60cm / 2foot above ground level at all times.


    Date: 30 March 2019 From: Andy
    QUESTION: Someone gave me a apple tree which was in a large pot and very restricted I planted it in open ground about sept it has growth comeing from it about two thirds of the way up but the rest of it looks dead at the top. Will it be ok or what can I do?

    ANSWER: I would wait one more month just to be sure that the top of the tree really is dead. If it is, then the only solution is to prune the main trunk just below where dead stems are, into good wood.


    Date: 23 December 2018 From: Robyn
    QUESTION: So glad to find your excellent article. I HAVE rather radically pruned my 20 year old James Grieve tree. You mention how it will surely respond very vigorously. What shall i do to the endless shoots it will put out. Please help. Thank you.

    ANSWER: James Grieve is not a particularly vigorous trees but all apple trees will fight back to some degree when pruned. I assume when you refer to “endless shoots” that means water sprouts which can occur around areas where the tree has been pruned.

    These will first become noticeable in the late spring. I would wait until mid-summer and prune at least half of them as close to the main stem as possible. Next year, at around the same time, do the same with the remaining ones. Thereafter, just prune the tree as normal


    Date: 15 May 2018 From: Jane W
    QUESTION: I have a few little trees that I have nurtured from pips. How do I keep the saplings from growing spindly, Do I take off the little shoots like you do with tomatoes?

    ANSWER: Apple trees are rather spindly in the first couple of years of their life so until it develops a small canopy I would leave it alone. Because the tree has been grown from a pip you have no real idea how long that might take.


    Date: 21 March 2018 From: Nik
    QUESTION: I bought my current house in March 16 and we have an apple tree in the garden. It looks like the previous owner has done a huge amount of pruning on it. The tree hasn’t flowered or fruited since we moved in. I have noticed recently that some of the bark is coming away. Can the tree be saved? Thanks in advance.

    ANSWER: I would give it two more years. What may well have happened is that the drastic pruning has rejuvenated the tree and it is now putting on a growth spurt. This often results in the bark peeling away. It’s quite possible the tree will be fine.

    As for the lack of fruit, that may have been caused by the pruning – maybe the majority of the fruiting spurs were removed. They will take three or four years to reappear.


    Date: 24 July 2016 From: Penny
    QUESTION: Around the time of the 1st. W.W. my grandfather planted an apple tree called LADY HENECKER we still have it although trunk and limbs are hollow it still produces excellent fruit but may not last much longer so I took some scions last year and using MM106 grafted 3 root stock earlier this year, all 3 were successful and are now 4-5 ft high they are at present in pots I would like to put them in the ground my question is how do I prune and when, that slender tall scion in order to develop a nice shape tree.

    ANSWER: You should be proud of those trees they look in excellent condition. I would prune them this winter when the leaves have fallen and they are fully dormant – January or February is a good time. Follow the instructions given above for a one year old tree (click here).

    Bear in mind when you prune the top off that you want three or four branches to form from the buds at about 4 foot high. This makes picking apples and pruning convenient in later years. If you can’t see the buds clearly when you want to prune, cut the top off at about 4ft 6in high.

    This pruning will stop the main stem growing taller and force the buds lower down into growth to produce branches. If you are a bit wary of doing this, do it to two of the trees and prune the other two the next year. At that point you will see that the branches have grown well and this will give you confidence.



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