Euonymus Fortunei QA


Article by David Marks
Our main Euonymus fortunei article can be found here. But sometimes our readers ask specific questions which are not covered in the main article. This page lists their comments, questions and answers. At the end of this page there is also a form for you to submit any new question or comment you have.


Date: 11 September 2021 From: Liz
QUESTION: I have 3 Euonymus shrubs and 1 is badly effected by scale despite spraying with Pravdo. Will the scale spread to the other 2 shrubs please? I intend to chop and burn the effected shrub but am worried the scale insects might fly to the others during this operation (they are at least 15 years old)? I would appreciate your comments.

ANSWER: Yes, I would think there is a very good chance some may spread to nearby plants even without digging up the affected one. I would dig up and destroy the affected plant from mid October onwards when the scale insects are no longer mobile.


Date: 26 June 2021 From: Cheryl
QUESTION: Do Golden Euonymus get roundish/bulbous growths on their stems?

ANSWER: Yes, It is called Crown Gall. I haven’t written about this but the RHS have a good article on it:


Date: 30 August 2019 From: Mary
QUESTION:I have a very healthy hedge of Euonymus that is about 3 feet high. I need to move it – will it survive being transplanted?

ANSWER: Yes, Euonymus will easily survive being transplanted. I would trim it back to 2ft high now and then in mid September transplant it. Water it well when you transplant it.


Date: 10 August 2018 From: Paul
QUESTION:I have noticed that a number of my Euonymus plants are badly infected withwhat I now understand to be Scale infection (the leaves and stems/branches are all covered in little white dots) and it seems to be spreading from one end of my hedge to the other.

I cut one back severely a few months ago (leaving about a foot of main stem sticking out of the ground) but the scale seems to go right down the main stem to the ground so do you think my efforts with that one were pointless?

I’m not sure whether to just cut them all right back and dig them out and replace them with scale resistant varieties (can you tell me which ones to look out for?) and if so, would digging them out and disposing of them alleviate the problem or would i need to treat the soil afterwards before planting anything new?

ANSWER: If they are that badly infected then I think that you need to face the inevitable and digthem up. The fertilised female scale insects will overwinter on the stems and will reappear next May. That’s how Iunderstand their lifecycle.

There are no varieties of Euonymus which are resistant, you would need to plant another type of shrub. However, ifmy understanding of their lifecycle is correct, you could dig up all the plants now and then plant new Euonymus in spring. I don’t think they overwinter in the soil.


Date: 22 May 2018 From: Michele C
QUESTION: I have a few euonymus shrubs in my garden which continually shed leaves. The shrubs look healthy and grow well but always have a pile of leaves round the bottom – how can I solve this problem?

ANSWER: Euonymus often do this especially if the weather is warm. There is really nothing youcan do to prevent this.


Date: 05 May 2018 From: Sally
QUESTION: I’ve just got rid of a box hedge and I am replacing it with euonymous today. When should I do the first prune? This Autumn or should I perhaps wait until next April? I live in the centre of Holland.

ANSWER: Wait until next April. Prune the top third of the shrub away. Just take a pair of shears / secateurs and cut away. This will encourage new growth from the base of the plant which will make it bush out.


Date: 07 April 2018 From: Chris
QUESTION: I have lots of euonymus shrubs in my garden. All have been attacked by scale insect. I want to know whether I can prune them severely as they look ugly and although they have new shoots at the top they all have some long bare insect incrusted stems below. In desperation I have just chopped one down to about 30 cm from about 80 cm with only the growth from the base left, just to see what happens. I will spray at the correct time but cannot see how they will ever be attractive shrubs again without drastic pruning. They are all over 10 years old and well established. I just did not realise the damage until too late. I welcome your comments.

ANSWER: Euonymus can withstand very severe pruning. Chop them down to a foot high and they will bounce back. Scatter fish, blood and bone fertiliser around them and mulch them to help them grow back quickly.


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