

Article by David Marks
Our main pea article can be found here. But sometimes our readers ask specific questions which are not covered in the main article. This page lists their comments, questions and answers. At the end of this page there is also a form for you to submit any new question or comment you have.


Date: 07 April 2021 From: Andrew H
QUESTION: I’m growing a tall pea variety this year using a net to grow them up.
I’ve raised them in newspaper pots. Can I plant a double row or will that deny too much light to the plant?ANSWER: I do that every year with Alderman climbing peas.
I have two rows of canes about 40cm apart. I cover the canes with netting to allow the peas to climb. They do just fine.I do tie the two rows of canes together at the top to form an inverted V shape, purely because the plants
are quite heavy when fully grown and it provides a more secure support.
Date: 26 May 2018 From: Joan
QUESTION: I have grown on some pea plugs l bought which are now between 6 and 8 inches high. They are all in 4 inch pots in the conservatory.

It seems we are not frost free till second week of May (Macclesfield). I am going away on holiday. Do l put them in my allotment now and hope they have no frost or survive.

I could get a neighbour in to water but l am also now scared they will become pot bound and too big by the time l return. Catch 22 situation.

ANSWER: Peas can stand a degree or two frost. Place your peas now outside in a protected position to harden them off and then plant them in their final position just before you go on holiday. They will be fine unless a very harsh frost strikes.

Date: 26 May 2018 From: Joan
QUESTION: I take off the netting from my peas, now they are podding? Will anything
attack them if I do so?ANSWER: It’s a difficult question to answer definitively with such little information.But from
what I gather, your peas have already flowered and are now producing pods. If that is the case it’s unlikely that you will have any problems with pea moth. Pea moths are common in June and July and they are attracted to peas in flower. Yours are not in flower any more so the chances are that you will be OK to take off the netting.
Date: 11 May 2015 From: Mike
QUESTION: Sugar-snap, planted six from plugs i bought, they are now about 8ft tall (each on a single stem) and have pods from about 4/5ft high upwards to the top, is this normal as someone told me i
should of pulled the tip on them early on when they where about 12inch high to stop them getting to tall and more importantly to make they branch so produce more of a crop? Any advice for next years crop would be more than welcome.ANSWER: Climbing sugar snap peas should be left to grow as they want. Only pinch out the top when they reach the height you want. At 8ft tall I would certainly pinch them out now.The pods do tend to start around half way up the plant so all sounds OK.


Date: 11 May 2015 From: Mike
QUESTION: I’ve been trying to grow two varieties of pea this year: Douce Provence and Little Marvel. Due to unforeseen circumstances I was late in planting and did so in late May. I put the peas in large pots as I’m limited for garden space and used a multipurpose compost. I kept them watered and placed them in an area that receives sunlight just after noon.

Initially the plants were growing well; there was a lot of flower but the next minute the plants started to turn yellow and even though pods were forming there was very few peas and some of the pods only showed the beginnings of pea formation before also turning yellow. Eventually the plants turned completely yellow. Do you know what could have caused the problem?

Could it be a disease? I tried to water every few days and would soak the soil because it was very dry. Could overwatering be the problem or were the plants lacking nutrients? Because I had such a poor crop, I recently put some more Little Marvel in pots and they’re just starting to come through. I’m hoping that this time I can get them going but am concerned that they may experience a similar fate. Is there anything you can suggest that I do/try?

ANSWER: Because the plants have turned yellow quickly I would suspect over-watering. My guess is that too much water has caused some form of root rot which is affecting their ability to provide food and water to the plant above ground. Make sure the container has holes in the bottom and that it drains easily. Putting the container on gravel or pots stands often helps greatly.

Don’t waterlog the containers, slightly on the dry side is better than too much water. Space the plants about 15cm apart.

As far as feeding is concerned I would limit it to a long lasting fertiliser such as blood, fish and bone once every two or three weeks. Don’t use general purpose liquid feeds which contain excessive nitrogen for peas.



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