Rose Variety Joie De Vivre

By David Marks
Rose Joie de Vivre was designated the Rose of the Year in 2011. To put this into perspective, the RHS has given over 100 roses an AGM at the current date.The Rose of the Year award has only been in existence from 1982 so it is afar more prestigious award. Joie de Vivre is one of the very best roses ever tobe given this award.

Ideal for small gardens and container growing, the flowers are perfectly formed and slightly scented, the foliage is deep green. Quite rightly, it has an enviable reputation for its disease resistance.


Joie de Vivre was bred by Kordes Rose Nursery in 2010. Kordes has a history of rose breeding that dates back to 1887 in Hamburg, Germany. Forget the likes of more recent rose breeders, Kordes has a history dating back over 130 years.

They have consistently bred some of the most renowned roses the world hasever known. Take the Iceberg rose variety, the most commonly planted rose in theUK – that was bred by Kordes and there are many more examples of their famousroses.

Joie de Vivre follows in this tradition, especially as far as disease resistance is concerned. Disease resistance is and always has been at the heart of the Kordes rose breeding programme.

Rose Joie de Vivre

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Rose Joie de Vivre

Not only was this the Rose of the Year in 2011, it also has won several other awards including the RHS Award of Garden merit (AGM).


Joie de Vivre is well suited to small gardens and does very well when grown in containers. When fully grown it reaches a height of 70cm (28in) with a similar width. If you plan to plant this rose in a container, a size of about 45cm (18in) high by 45cm (18in) will do the job fine.

Although the container can be filled with multi-purpose compost, a soil basedcompost such as John Innes Number 3 will be best.

Half open flower rose Joie de Vivre

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Rose Joie de Vivre half open flower

Joie de Vivre is a floribunda rose and produces multiple flowers on main stems in clusters. Flowering begins in late June / early July (mid May if grown in a container) with a rosette form – very full and beautiful. The centre of each flower is a light peach colour fading to light pink at the edges.

This is a repeat flowering variety which flowers until late September / early October.

The flowers have a mild, very pleasant, slightly sweet scent to them.

The mature foliage is a mid to deep green, glossy and with a leather appearance. Some new foliage is initially a light burgundy colour turning to green after a week or so (see picture below).


Joie de Vivre is a very healthy, disease resistant and quick growing rose.We still suggest however that you follow our instructions on controllingblack spot which can be foundhere.


Prune a Joie de Vivre rose as follows:

  • Remove all stems which show any signs of disease or damage. Cut them back to ground level or back to a main stem.
  • Remaining stems should then be pruned back to 30cm / 1 ft from ground level. This will allow you to get a good view of the structure of the rose bush.
  • Now prune the rose bush so that it has five or six stems arranged equally apart roughly in a circle from the centre of the plant. These stems should ideally be growing out from the centre of the bush.
  • Compromise may be required but the idea is to keep the centre of the rose bush open and have the branches growing outwards. This is to allow air circulation to the centre of the plant and avoid infections.
  • When selecting stems, make sure that you remove stems which are touching or nearly touching another stem. Where stems are touching, they will rub off the outer bark and allow infections to enter.
  • Green stems are healthier than browner stems so remove the browner stems and leave the green stems.
  • When selecting the stems to remain, don’t leave spindly stems. Your are looking to have five or six stems which are at least the thickness of a pencil, hopefully thicker.

Floribunda rose before pruning
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Floribunda rose before pruning

Floribunda rose after pruning
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Floribunda rose after pruning


Bought from Wyatts Garden Centre in January 2020.
Originally priced at£12.95, this plant cost us the princely sum of £3.95 in their end of seasonsale. They were clearing the remainder of their previous year’s stock, to makespace for the new year’s stock of roses.

In effect we had bought a two year oldrose, in perfect condition, and well established in the pot, for less than a third of theprice.

Although we would not normally buy a container grown rose, the price was too tempting. In addition, we will be planting it at the correct time of year (late winter) so it will be able to establish itself well before summer sets in.

Joie de Vivre rose in a container ready for planting
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Joie de Vivre ready for planting

This rose was planted in a larger container (roughly 45cm/ 18in square) on 1st February 2020. We used John Innes Number 3 as the compost. We will update you below throughout the life of this rose.


31 March 2020
Sprayed with Roseclear. Fed with a handful of blood fish andbone.

In line with Flower Power (which was also planted in a container), this variety was growing far quicker compared to the other varieties growing in the rose bed.

9 May 2020
Of all the roses in our 2019 trial Joie de Vivre was the first to flower and it was ahead of all the other varieties. Remember, it was planted in a container and this seems to induce better growth and flowering compared to roses grown in open ground.

Not only was it the first to flower but several buds had also been produced well in advance of all the other varieties. See the two pictures below.

Early flower from Joie de Vivre
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Joie de Vivre first flower 09 May

Joie de Vivre flower buds at 09 May
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Joie de Vivre flower buds at 09 May

22nd June 2020
First flush of blooms has finished but there are still four blooms opening with plenty more buds clearly developing.

20 July 2020
The second flush of flowers has begun, not quite as many as the first flush but still impressive.

19th August 2020
The second flush of flowers has finished. No signs at all of any pests or diseases – completely free of black spot.

Beautiful flowers (and lots of them throughout the season) with glossy very disease resistant leaves. Highly recommended.



HEIGHT: 70cm (28in)

SPREAD: 70cm (28in)

ROSE TYPE: Floribunda, repeat flowers in clusters and singly over the summer

FLOWER COLOUR: Light peach to light pink

FRAGRANCE: Slight, sweet

LEAVES: Light burgundy when new, soon turning to mid/deepgreen, glossy

THORNS: Some but less than many other varieties


USDA ZONES: 8b to 4b


GROWING CONDITIONS: Full or partial sunlight (four hours ormore sun)

SOIL CONDITIONS: Almost all soil conditions except dry or water-logged soils

CONTAINER GROWING: Well suited to growing in a container

BREEDER: Kordes 2010

AWARDS: Rose of the Year 2011, RHS AGM


Click here for more in depth reviews of our recommended rose varieties.