Calendar Apple


Apple trees are often neglected because they are quite capable of producing a reasonable crop with little or no attention. However, if left entirely to their own devices they will eventually suffer and possibly die

With a little regular care and attention they can easily produce apples for forty years or more and with this in mind we have devised the ultimate apple tree care plan below. By no means all the items will be applicable to your situation so pick and mix those ones which you feel are applicable.

JAN 1-2 Plant Inspect stored apples Prune using correct techniques Prune out canker
JAN 3-4 Plant Inspect stored apples Prune using correct techniques Prune out canker
FEB 1-2 Plant Inspect stored apples Prune using correct techniques Prune out canker
FEB 3-4 Plant Inspect stored apples Prune out canker
MAR 1-2 Plant Inspect stored apples
MAR 3-4 Inspect stored apples
Top up mulch
APR 1-2 ——–
Long lasting fertiliser
Spray at the first sign
of Woolly Aphid
Spray at the first sign
of Powdery Mildew
APR 3-4 Spray at
the first sign
of Woolly Aphid
Spray at the first sign
of Powdery Mildew
MAY 1-2 Spray at
the first sign
of Woolly Aphid
——–Spray at the first sign
of Powdery Mildew

Codling Moth
pheromone traps
MAY 3-4 Spray at
the first sign
of Woolly Aphid
——–Spray at the first sign
of Powdery Mildew

Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth
JUN 1-2 Spray at
the first sign
of Woolly Aphid
——–Spray at the first sign
of Powdery Mildew

Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth
JUN 3-4

Spray for Coddling Moth

Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth

JUL 1-2 —-
Thin fruits
Remove fallen debris Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth
JUL 3-4 Remove fallen debris

Second spray for Codling Moth

Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth

AUG 1-2 Remove fallen debris Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth
AUG 3-4
Harvest early varieties
Remove fallen debris Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth
SEP 1-2
Harvest early varieties
Remove fallen debris Corrugated cardboard tied
to trap Codling Moth
SEP 3-4
Harvest mid varieties

Inspect stored apples
Remove fallen debris
OCT 1-2 Harvest early varieties
Inspect stored apples——–
Long lasting fertiliser
Remove fallen debris
OCT 3-4
Harvest late varieties

Inspect stored apples
Remove fallen debris
NOV 1-2
Harvest late varieties

Inspect stored apples
Remove fallen debris
NOV 3-4 Plant Choose & order trees
Harvest late varieties
Inspect stored apples

Remove fallen debris

Choose disease resistant varieties

DEC 1-2 Plant Choose & order trees
Inspect stored apples

Remove fallen debris

Choose disease resistant varieties

Prune using correct techniques

Prune out canker
DEC 3-4 Plant Choose & order trees
Inspect stored apples

Remove fallen debris

Choose disease resistant varieties

Prune using correct techniques

Prune out canker