Pyrus Pashia


Article by David Marks
Although this is a pear tree we would not recommend it as an eater, it is grown in the UK as an ornamental tree. It originates from southern Asia (sometimes called the Himalayan Pear Tree) but has spread naturally because of its ability to grow in a wide variety of climates. Local do harvest the fruits for eating and juicing but they only pick them when they are in a semi-rotting condition. The fruits and leaves of Pyrus Pashia are locally used as medicines.

The picture above shows the tree in April time when it produces masses of white blossoms. At that time of year it is a magnificent sight. However, it is probably best known for massses of brown fruit and deep red leaves in autumn time. The best autumn colour is achieved in cooler parts of the UK which have good levels of sunshine.

Pyrus pashia fruit and leaves
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Pyrus Pashia fruits and leaves

Care needs for this tree are minimal. Height and spred after 10 years will be about 4m / 13ft. The tree can be pruned in autumn to keep it to a smaller size but it would require annual pruning to restrict its height and spread permanently. No special pruning techniques are required.

This is a healthy tree although scab can be a problem in wet areas.